

        Article summary

        Setting up Agnis communication with Comgate payment terminal

        In Restaurant Operations -> Service -> Peripherals Configuration, add a line for the operating section and the station where the payment terminal is connected.

        Fill in:

        • Device type column: select "Payment terminal".
        • Device reference: not to be filled in
        • Variant: 707

        Parameter settings

        Click on the "param" button at the bottom and fill in:

        • IP = IP address of the terminal 
        • PORT = 33350 
        • PASSWORD = 27924505


        The IP address of the terminal can be found in the terminal Dashboard

        The Agnis point of sale (POS) system supports tipping. If you wish to use this feature, please contact our customer support to have it set up. For further information on tipping using the terminal, please refer to our documentation.  

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