

        Article summary

        Do you use FastCentrik for your e-shop? Offer your customers the opportunity to pay online in real time with the Comgate payment gateway. Once your order is paid, we will inform you immediately that you can ship the goods.

        Setting up the payment gateway in the FastCentrik e-shop administration

        Once your contract with Comgate is concluded and the pamyent gateway is activated, you can connect it to your e-shop..

        In the administration of your e-shop, you can find all the settings in: Settings > Third-party applications > Payment gateways > Comgate. Here, the settings are divided into two areas: Comgate - payment gateway and Comgate - return URL.

        Log in to the Comgate Client Portal using the credentials sent to you by our sales representative.

        As soon as the payment gateway is in live operation, following tabs will be available in the Comgate administration:

        Transactions tab

        • Contains all transactions and their statuses.
        • Here you can filter displayed transactions. All of them, by period, status, payment method or currency.
        • Daily bulk transfers to your bank account are available in the Transfers section.

        Store Settings tab

        • Under this tab all your stores connected to the Comgate payment gateway are available.
        • Clicking on the name of the store will take you to its details, where the Details, Contact Information and Store Connection sections are available.

        Technical connection tab

        • All instructions and documentation for this payment gateway can be found in the Comgate Client Portal this way: Technical Connections/Technical Documentation, where in addition to step-by-step instructions on how to proceed, a downloadable manual is also available.


        Start setting up your payment gateway by following: Store settings > click on your store name > Contact details tab.

        Contact information

        Fill in your phone number and contact e-mail, other fields are an e-mail for sending errors and an e-mail for information about individual payments, some of them pre-filled.

        Linking stores

        A link detail is available in this section.

        Clicking the pencil symbol will take you to the editing environment where you can edit all the necessary data.

        In this section you will find important data that you will then enter into the administration of your e-shop: the e-shop link identifier and the password. These data are unique, generated separately for each client.

        You can also set whether you want to automatically send a confirmation email to customers when they make a successful payment by ticking the checkbox.

        Enter the store connection identifier and password in the FastCentrik administration here: Settings/3rd party applications/Payment gateways/Comgate.

        Return URLs

        In FastCentrik administration, copy the return URL from the Comgate - return URL section, and paste it into the Comgate Client Portal.

        URLs are unique for each e-shop, so copy the link directly from your administration.

        Enter all four links in the Comgate administration into the appropriate fields – (Store settings > click on your store name > Store Link tab > click the pencil symbol).

        IP address

        Enter the IP address of your e-shop in the Comgate administration. You can find it in the email that was sent to you when you set up your e-shop, or you can request it from FastCentrik customer support.

        The IP address is then copied into the Comgate administration under the Payments > Configuration > Store Link Configuration tab at the bottom of the settings.


        In addition to the Merchant Identification, Password and Return URLs, the following information is required.

        The Live button indicates whether the payment gateway is currently in test mode (unchecked box) or is active and therefore visible to customers (checked box).

        Once you have filled in all the necessary information in the e-shop administration and in the Comgate administration, you can activate the payment gateway by checking the Live button.

        Setting up customer notifications

        In the next part of the settings, you can freely edit the texts that are displayed to customers depending on how successful their payment was.

        These confirmation texts include: confirmation of a payment received, information about a declined payment, or information about an unknown payment status.

        Type of goods

        It is essential to indicate the type of goods sold. You can choose from Physical goods with physical delivery, Digital goods with online delivery, or Erotic goods.


        Once you have set up all the necessary details, you still need to set up your payment, which you do in the same way as any other payment.

        You can set it up in the FastCentrik administration in this way: Settings > Payments > New payment method. Here you select Comgate - online payment and some of the necessary details will be pre-filled. You can then set up the payment method in the individual tabs.

        Remember to link your payment gateway to one of the supported transport systems .

        See how to proceed with general payment settings.

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        What's Next
        Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
        First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
        Enter a valid email
        Enter a valid password
        Your profile has been successfully updated.