

        Article summary

        Comgate's payment gateway and payment terminal fees are fixed, with no variable components or hidden terms. They are based on price lists that are transparently displayed on the website. The price lists are set for the Easy and Profi tariffs, between which the client can choose the one that better suits their preferences. The Easy tariff is suitable for a businessman who wants to have a single fee rate for all payment methods, the Profi tariff is used by a merchant who has a detailed overview of the use of different payment methods and wants to have a greater degree of control over the amount of fees for them. The Start tariff is designed for entrepreneurs who have not yet accepted card payments.

        Transaction fees

        Transaction fees are fees for making individual payments. They include fees for all entities that enter into the payment process, e.g. card associations, banks, technical partners or payment gateways. In Comgate's pricing tariffs, all these components are included in a fixed fee rate so that the client knows the amount of the fees in advance and does not have to operate with variable values as in the MIF++ pricing. The transaction fee is deducted from each payment and its amount corresponds to the selected payment gateway/payment terminal tariff.

        EXAMPLE: A client with the Easy tariff is charged a transaction fee of 0.9% + CZK 1 for each payment, regardless of the payment method. For a client with the Profi tariff, the amount of transaction fees varies depending on the payment method used.

        Monthly Fee

        The monthly fee is the fee for the operation of the service (payment gateway or terminal), which also corresponds to the selected tariff. The service fee is zero when the specified amount of turnover for the corresponding tariff is reached. It starts to be charged from the moment the payment gateway is put into operation or the terminal is installed in the establishment, but no later than from the second calendar month after the conclusion of the contract.

        EXAMPLE: If you sign a contract in September, the first monthly fee will be charged no later than December for the month of November. Until then, the payment gateway can only be in test operation.

        Should the payment gateway be put into live operation or the terminal installed in September, the first monthly fee will be charged for the month of September and will be collected at the beginning of October.

        The amount of the monthly fee is also influenced by the selected tariff and the monthly transaction volume, which is summed up from the volume of transactions on the payment gateway and terminal. The fee is charged at the beginning of the following calendar month.

        EXAMPLE: If you are using a payment gateway with the Easy tariff and you have reached a transaction volume of CZK 40k in September, in early October, you will be charged a monthly payment gateway fee of CZK 100. 

        If you use a payment gateway and a payment terminal with the Profi tariff and in September you reach a transaction volume of CZK 80k and CZK 40k respectively, at the beginning of October nothing will be deducted, because the sum of transaction volumes on the gateway and terminal will be above CZK 100k.

        The monthly payment gateway management fee is charged regardless of the number of client's e-shops. That is, there is always only one monthly fee per ID, even if you have several payment gateways.

        If you use several payment terminals, the monthly fee is determined by dividing the total volume of transactions on the terminals (+ on the payment gateway) by the number of payment terminals in the lease. The resulting value determines the fee for each single payment terminal.

        The monthly fee for managing the payment gateway or terminal is automatically deducted from incoming payments at the beginning of the following month. If there are no transactions through the payment gateway or terminal, we will send you a payment request with payment details.

        You will find the monthly fee for the previous month in the daily payment schedule at the beginning of the next calendar month. You will also see information about the charge in the Product column in the Client Portal as "Monthly Fee".

        Other fees

        Paid payment gateway services include:

        • Refund (gateway / terminal) – the return of funds. This is a one-time charge of CZK 2. Refunded payments and the fees can be found in the daily payment statement.
        • Chargeback – the  forced return of funds to the payer based on customer's complaint. Chargeback incurs a one-time fee of CZK 990.

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