

        Article summary

        Statements from the Comgate payment gateway can be imported into OMEGA in ABO format (.gpc) with a few clicks. This functionality has been supported by OMEGA since version 26.00.

        Entering the account number

        In OMEGA you first need to define an account number for the payment gateway. In the menu, select Dialer → Bank Accounts and register the fictitious account number, which you can find in the Comgate Client Portal under Trade Settings. OMEGA requires the account number in IBAN format, which you can convert to using, for example, this converter.

        To ensure that the accounting of the import from the payment gateway is in accordance with the accounting procedures, also add an account number from the accounting schedule in the Settings tab, for example, account 315.AE, which you set as a non-balance account. Alternatively, you can create a separate analytical record for account 221, and so on.

        Importing a statement from a payment gateway

        The import of the statement from the payment gateway can be started in two ways:

        • in menu Records → Accounting documents in the Home tab - function Import BV
        • in menu Records → Imported bank statements → Functions → Retrieve statement.

        You can have the imported payment gateway statement items automatically posted to the Accounting Document Register, posted and paired with paid documents.

        According to the matching criteria, such as the variable symbol, sent invoices, sent credit notes, etc. are matched and paid. For other movements, such as fees, a posting rule needs to be defined. You can access the matching criteria and posting rules via Options in the Bank Statement Posting form.

        If you do not have any text for the transaction fees, OMEGA will automatically add the text Fee to the Variable Symbol column. Based on this, you can create a posting rule.

        For more information, watch this video.

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