Payment in three instalments

      Payment in three instalments

        Article summary

        Payment in three instalments allows e-shop customers to spread the payment for their purchase over three monthly instalments. The merchant will receive a receipt of payment immediately and we will also remit the full value of the purchase within the standard time period. With this payment method, the customer can spread the cost of purchasing goods that they would have to save up for and postpone purchasing with other payment methods.   

        We offer payment in three instalments in cooperation with:


        The minimum total purchase value for the Twisto Purchase in thirds payment method is CZK 1,500, the maximum value is subject to Twisto's terms and conditions. The first instalment can only be made by card, the customer can then set up automatic deduction of the next two instalments or notification of their due date by e-mail or SMS.

        Payment process

        1. The payer first chooses the payment method Instalments, no increase, in the payment gateway.

        2. In the next step, he/she selects Twisto Purchase in thirds.

        3. This is followed by a simple identity verification by entering a phone number, name, email and home address. The service is available to citizens of the Czech Republic and payment can only be made by credit card in Czech crowns. Approval takes place within seconds.

        4. The payer is informed of the successful verification by email, together with information on how to pay the next two instalments.

        Skip Pay

        The minimum total purchase value for Skip Pay Third payment method is 3,000 CZK, the maximum value is 60,000 CZK. The first payment can only be made by card, not by Skip card. The remaining two thirds will be deducted automatically, the customer can pay them off early at any time without charge. 

        Increasing the Maximum Purchase Limit

        To increase the maximum purchase limit, please contact the SkipPay provider directly. Once approved, inform our customer support, who will update the limit on the payment gateway.

        Payment process

        1. The payer first chooses the Payment by thirds without increase payment method in the payment gateway.

        2. In the next step, he/she selects Skip Pay.

        3. This is followed by entering the name and phone number, then confirming the SMS code.

        4. The next step is to verify the bank identity.

        5. The payer logs in to the banking system, then is returned to the Skip Pay environment, where they pay the first third of the purchase by card.


        ESSOX Split Payment allows the customer to spread the payment for the purchase over up to four instalments without any increase. The minimum total value of the purchase is CZK 2,000, the maximum value is CZK 30,000. The first payment will be made by bank transfer during the application process, the remaining instalments will be paid by the buyer at monthly intervals.

        Payment process

        1. The payer first selects the payment method Payment in thirds without increase in the payment gateway.

        2. In the next step, he/she selects ESSOX Split Payment.

        3. This is followed by a redirection to the ESSOX online application.

        4. Once redirected, the payer selects how many payments to spread the purchase over, fills in name, phone number, email, and takes or uploads photos of documents.

        5. The form is filled out automatically, the payer just checks the information for accuracy.

        6. This is followed by a review of the application.

        7. Once the application is approved, the payer is redirected to online banking where he/she confirms the sending of the first payment for the purchase. This concludes the split payment agreement with ESSOX. Payment must be made as part of the redirection in the split payment process. It cannot be sent later or outside the process, as the contract would not be signed.

        8. After the first payment is sent, the payer is redirected to the Comgate payment status.

        9. The seller will ship the goods.

        10. The payer pays the remaining ESSOX payments according to the agreed number of installments. The information can be found in the email, where the contract documentation is permanently available.

        ESSOX split payment process (video by ESSOX)

        Activation of the payment in three instalments method

        We automatically activate the three-installment payment for clients who have an active deferred payment method. The three-installment payment offer is displayed to customers in the payment method list of the gateway.

        For more information, please refer to the API documentation.

        If you present the payment method offer (card payment, cash on delivery,...) to the customer in the cart, we recommend adding the three instalment payment to this offer. The name of the payment method is "Payment in three instalments". The text of the payment method description is "Pay in three monthly instalments without increase".

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