Cash Register Systems - Terminals with Keypads

      Cash Register Systems - Terminals with Keypads

        Article summary

        The connection of the payment terminal and the POS system facilitates the work of cashiers and reduces the error rate when entering payments - the amount data is automatically entered into the payment terminal. We support connection of most cash register systems. If you require a solution, please contact us to select the optimal solution together.

        Supported cash register systems

        Support for specific cash register systems varies by terminal type.  

        A - A3 POS / An POS, ABRA FlexiBee, ABRA Gen, ACEP, Agenda, Alfa, ALZA, APLS, APOTHEKE 20.02c, APSi, ARIT FlexiPOS, Arriva, AspenPOS od v., AWIS, AZ Soft

        B - B.O.S.S. Enterprise, Byznys

        C - CASH, CaTS 100, Centros, CESAR (G2, G3, G4), Colosseum, Conto Suite, Copy General IS 2, CTiLL

        D - DATONA LITE, SBS, NANO, R4, Dialog 3000Skylla, DIDAC 2, Dotykačka

        E - Ekonom online, Ekonom systém, Ekonom účtenka, EET-POS 1.10.09,, Elvis, ePOS, ERP Navertica Essentials, ES09, EURO-150/EURO-50, EuroPOS, EUROSHOP/Shop2000

        F - Farmis 1,2, FINTA, FIS  version 1805 and higher, FOOD600/FOODMAN, Fusion version 7.21 and higher

        G - Gemis, GINIS, GINIS Express, Globus IS, GoodPOS, GS5

        H - HELIOS Fenix, HELIOS Green, HELIOS Orange, HELIOS Red, HORES PLUS

        CH - CHD (3050, 3850, 5850, 5880, 6800)

        I - i/2 POS, i6, iFIS, Indas, Indas version 3.8.14 and higher, INFINIT POS, Informační systém K2, Informační systém pro Perfecto design, IS Orsoft, IS Zásilkovna, ISKAM, ISKN

        K - KALKUL, Kaplička, Kancelář 8, KASA 8, KASA FIK, KASAmax EU s.r.o., KelSQL, KelEXPRESS, KelMINI, Klient, Koniáš, Kredit

        L - L.E.A. pokladna 4.89, LBIS4G SS3, LCD SC-8000 / SC ECR, Lekis pro Windows, LS ONE - NEOLUXOR

        M - Market, MAXI pokladna version 0.68.0 and higher, Mediox, MEMBER Pro, MEMOS, Mercator, MIPEL POS, MOP, MOPROD, MS Dynamis 365 Business Central, MSKASA, myCASH, myWAC

        N - NAVISION

        O - Oasa, Obelix, OctoPOS, Original Wines CashDesk

        P - parkSystem, PC Kasa, PegasPRO, Pharmacy, PHW, Plant-IS, PMS (HORES 9), Pohoda Pokladna, Pokladna GAPA, Pokladna SILEX, pokladna AGNIS, pokladna EBD, POS, POS / Infos, POSFlow, POSWin, PREMIER system, PREVIO, Prodejna SQL, Profikasa

        Q - quickConnect od v. 1.81

        R - RDS, Rkeeper-CZ s.r.o., RosaMarket, RWE

        S - SAP, Savarin Pokladna, SB KOMPLET, SEIWIN 5, SEPTIM, SEZAM / WKASA, Sezam24, ShopINES, SIGNYS, Simply-ray, Skeleten, SkiDATA, SmartPOS, STAPEMA, STC, Storyous POS, SW POS

        T - TGB - TERM, Ticket Hall - Ticketportal, TiGO,, TRELL - NEXT, TRIFID STANDARD

        U - UC3, UNIPOK, UniPOS

        V - VAPSB, VARIO, VERA Radnice, Verbis 2.0, VOIS

        W - WIN Medico, WinAPLS, Winshop SQL, WinShop Standard

        Z - ZaKasou, Zásoby / Anetca

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