Payments and statements

      Payments and statements

        Article summary

        Customers' payments are transferred to your account every business day after deduction of the transaction fees in one total amount. If you use multiple currencies, the transactions are transferred for each currency individually.

        Bank transfer detail

        For CZK transfers, refer to the recipient message for a summary of payments, fees, refunds, and repayments. For EUR bank transfers, find this information in the remittance info field.

        Daily billing

        As a part of everyday transaction settlement by one bulk transfer, we send an e-mail with a breakdown of transactions in the following formats:

        • CSV – file suitable for automatic processing in information systems

        • ABO – format suitable for automatic import to accounting systems

        • PDF – accounting receipt

        All the daily statements are downloadable in the Client Portal under Payment > Transfers to BA or you can download them via the API protocol.

        Report details





        Bankovní převod var. symbol: {nazevObchodu}


        Billing of daily transactions

        Monthly billing

        Monthly billing contains an overview of all the daily transfers on your bank account and a summary of daily statements for the given month.

        Every month, you will receive files summarising bank transfers for each business day in your email.

        The attached files will be in the following formats:

        • CSV – for automatic processing in information systems

        • ABO – for automatic import into accounting software

        • PDF – for accounting documents

        Monthly billing is generated no later than on the 6th day of the following month. You will find it in the Client Portal under Payments > Billing.


        Report details





        Comgate | PDF výpisy k bankovním převodům


        Monthly billing of transactions

        To set the email address for receiving statements, navigate to the Client Portal > Integration tab > Contact details > email for bulk payment statements.

        Please note that disabling the sending of these messages is not an available option.

        Sample files for download

        Payment gateway:

        Payment terminal

        Payment Breakdown Items

        Below, you can find an explanation of the items on your statement.

        The transaction fee is governed by the valid price list set for you by Comgate. This fee consists of transaction costs, which are detailed in your statement. However, their total always corresponds to the set price list.

        Confirmed amount – the amount of the completed transaction (the price of the customer's order).

        Transferred amount – the amount transferred to the e-shop's bank account (reduced by the transaction fee).

        Total fee – the fee according to the tariff.

        • Interchange fee – the fee paid by the processing bank to the issuing bank.

        • Scheme fee – the fee that the card association will receive from the transaction.

        • Acquirer fee – the fee charged by the processing bank for processing a transaction.

        Card type – we distinguish 4 card types:

        • EU CONSUMER – consumer cards issued in the Czech Republic and EU

        • EU UNREGULATED – unregulated cards issued in the Czech Republic and EU

        • NON EU CONSUMER – consumer cards issued outside of the EU

        • NON EU BUSINESS – business cards issued outside of the EU

        Merchant – the e-shop identifier can be found in the Client Portal under Stores settings > Store connection.

        Date of establishment – the date when the payer was redirected from the shopping cart to the payment gateway.

        Date of payment – the day when the bank confirmed the payment.

        Date of transfer – the date when the bulk transfer of transactions was paid.

        Billing month – the month, to which the payment is accounted.

        Comgate ID – a 12-digit code, unique payment identifier.

        ID from a Client – a matching symbol that identifies the item and the customer who ordered it (e.g. order number, customer number, etc.). Within the API protocol, this is the RefId parameter that the system sends when the payment is created.

        Product – any product identifier, which your system uses under the "name" parameter when creating a payment.

        Description – a short product description (1-16 characters) which your system uses during the payment creation under the "label" parameter.

        Payment variable symbol – the variable symbol assigned to the payment.

        Transfer variable symbol – a variable symbol of the bulk transfer.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        When do I receive my monthly billing?

        We send the monthly billing to your registered e-mail address no later than on the 6th day of the month. You can also find it on the same day in the Client Portal under Payment > Billing.

        How to link a variable symbol with the ID of the customer's order ID?

        We send payments under our variable symbols. To link transactions with orders (your internal variable symbol) you can use the refID parameter, which is displayed in the CSV. file in “ID from a client” column. If you wish to include a verbal description in the "product“ .CSV column, enter “name” in settings. More information is available in the API protocol.

        What does "manual operation" mean on a bill?

        A manual operation is the term for an item on the daily billing that required manual interaction by a Comgate staff member (e.g., a refund when the store did not have enough funds to perform it automatically).

        What is the difference between 100% and regular payout?

        By default, all our customers have the payout of payments set to a daily basis. At the customer's request, 100% payout can be set, where we would send the total amounts daily and the fees will be balanced once a month in the form of an issued invoice. This service is charged at a rate of 0.1%. The value of the transaction fees will be increased by this amount.

        The service can be set up from the first day of the following calendar month.

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