Accounting in Money ERP
The first step in accounting in Money ERP is to configure the online bank in the Online Banking folder, followed by setting up bank accounts and bank statement groups.
Online bank configuration
In the Online Banking > Online Configuration menu, add important information to the bank in the fields:
- "Payment Gateway" - select Comgate from the drop-down menu, pre-fill the "Address Base" field at the same time.
- "User ID" and "Encryption Key" - you can find the information in your Comgate Client Portal under Integration > Store Settings > Store Linking > Preview.
- "Bank Statement Group" - be sure to select the appropriate group (see description below).
Bank accounts settings
In the Directory> Companies menu, enter all the bank accounts you will use on the parent company button. On the "Bank accounts" tab, select "Add" and add the following information to the "Bank connection" tab:
- “Description” - select a suitable description.
- “Account number” - enter the account number from the Client portal. The account number can be found in a section Payment methods in a column “Fictional account in ABO”.
- “Bank code” - can remain empty.
In the Accounting > Bank > List of bank accounts menu add a bank account and enter:
- "Currency" - field is prefilled based on the “Program Setup Wizard”, but is changeable.
- <>“Primary account” - for accounting we recommend defining a specific analytic account.
- <>“Account number” - select from the offered new added account.
Bank statement group
Establish a separate group of bank statements in a menu Accounting > Bank > Bank statements > Add a list group. A new group needs to be established for every account. Please pay attention to careful group settings (pre-accounting, number series, VAT breakdown, activity, etc.)
Statement download
Statements can be downloaded manually or automatically, both methods can also be combined. For a possible check, you will find a transaction statement in your Client Portal.
Manual statement download
Manual download can be started in a menu Online bank configuration by the button “Statement download”. After you press the button, the program will open “Guide through statement download from the payment gateway”. On the first page choose a time period for which you want the statements to download and if you want the payments immediately pair. You can move in the guide by a button “Next” and the process is happening independently.
Downloading with CSW Automatic
CSW Automatic is a standalone application that is used to automate repetitive processes in Money ERP so that they do not need to be set up or run individually over and over again. In the application, the Online Banking plug-in is created for the purpose of downloading online payments, which can be found in the S5 CSW Online Banking Automatic library. It allows you to set up a detailed schedule for downloading statements and sending information emails.
Transaction accounting rules
A variable symbol is used to match transactions and invoices, this must match the invoice issued in the Money ERP accounting system and the transaction in the e-shop. The variable symbol is part of the data transmitted to the payment gateway when the payment is set up.
In cases where the amount on the invoice does not match the amount paid via the payment gateway, the matching result will depend on the settings of the bank statement group on the "Payment matching configuration" tab (setting the fields "Rebate paid document" and "Automatic partial payment matching").